What Mask is Right For Me?

Due to the threat of the Covid variants, and greater risk of exposure to contract the deadly virus, the best mask for everyone right now are KN95`s (FDA) and medical grade N95`s, and if these are not available to you, consider upgrading from cloth to a (FDA) surgical/medical grade mask and double-up.

The former Director of the CDC has recently made these comments:

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Numerous articles are also recommending to either double-up masks by placing a medical/surgical mask on top of your cloth mask, or upgrading to a (FDA) KN95 or a certified N95.  Some European countries and Asian countries have begun to mandate medical-grade masks in public settings due to the possibility that the new variants could be as much as 70% more transmissible (Ref: Washington Post 01-27-2021) https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/europe-coronavirus-masks-regulations/2021/01/20/23463c08-5a74-11eb-a849-6f9423a75ffd_story.html

The CNN article below might also be helpful to determine what mask is best for you.  Please note that all the masks listed on the Everwin site list their certifications/registrations with either the CDC or FDA.  We are licensed by Health Canada and all our masks are registered and regulated by Health Canada  (with the exception of the Children`s made-in-Canada masks).


Any mask is better than no mask, however, not all masks are created equal.  The mask that is best for you is very personal and subjective, however, below is a simple outline that may guide you in seeking what may be best suited for your needs.   For our purposes, we will only address the level of masks we have listed on our website.

It`s important to understand three keys things about PPE masks in general; 1) the BFE, 2) the PFE, and 3) why Fit matters (mask versus respirator).  BFE means Bacterial Filter Efficiency and PFE means Partial Filter Efficiency.   The higher the numbers, the better, especially for the PFE.    Fit is critical because the looser the fit, the higher the possibility of exposure to aerosol/airborne particles getting into your mask.  So, the tighter and more sealed the mask is on your face, the less of possibility of airborne particles entering your mask.   This is why there is such a high demand for N95`s in the market as it is classified as a Respirator by CDC and is NIOSH approved due to the Fit AND Filtration properties of the mask.  Front-line professionals also take the extra step to “Fit Test” respirators, to ensure that leakage or gaps are at a bare minimum so that airborne particles do not penetrate the respirator.

So, what mask might be best for you?  It depends on your level of exposure and your environment, but based on the new and more dangerous variants, recommendations from professionals are to upgrade to better quality masks to a (FDA) KN95 or N95, if they are available to you.  At Everwin, all our adult masks are either FDA or CDC-NIOSH approved. We encourage you to confirm in the FDA or CDC databases for confirmation and also in the Health Canada MDEL database to confirm our standingwith Health Canada.

Medical/Facial Masks – These are probably best for the general public in well-ventilated areas where social distancing is clearly observed and practiced.   These masks may not provide respiratory protection against airborne disease, but may protect you against bacteria and particulate matters based on size and exposure.  These masks can be used to replace your cloth mask, or to be used to “double-up”.

Surgical Masks – These have a higher PFE count and are considered the “standard” in most hospitals.  The general public may prefer these due to a higher PFE count, however social distancing will still need to be practiced in well-ventilated surroundings.   These masks may not provide respiratory protection against airborne disease, but may protect you against bacteria and particulate matters based on size and exposure. These masks can be used to replace your cloth mask, or to be used to “double-up”.

KN95 Masks
– These masks should have a minimum of 4 layers and have the same BFE and PFE as N95`s.  KN95 masks are a grade higher than the “blue/white” envelope style masks.  The key difference is in numbers of layers, the filtration and the tighter fit to help protect against airborne particles.  Based on approval from hospitals or medical facilities, the KN95 may also be used and recognized as a Respirator (US has recognized).  This mask can be recommended to front-line professionals or to the general public who may be challenged with maintaining social distancing and/or are exposed to questionable ventilated surroundings.   Individuals with compromised immune systems would benefit from this higher level of protection product.  KN95`s can provide a level of protection against airborne disease, if used properly.   On a personal note, this is the mask that we use and recommend to most people due to the greater level of respiratory protection it can provide.   It is more breathable and comfortable than the "blue/white" masks, but serves the same purpose as a N95 respirator at a more affordable price. We strongly suggest to purchase FDA KN95`s from a licensed supplier such as Everwin.  Our KN95`s are FDA and registered with Health Canada.

Here`s some information on the differences between a KN95 and a N95.  Again, based on your usage, either masks are good, especially against the new variants. https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/health/a35383193/n95-vs-kn95-mask-differences/

N95 Respirators – These masks are considered the gold standard for respiratory protection and are classified as Respirators by the CDC.  However, there are several different types of N95 respirators in the market; some have replaceable filters, carbon filters, vents, etc.   For medical purposes, it is important to purchase medical grade N95`s.  N95`s have a tighter and more secure fit to help prevent any airborne particles from seeping into airway passages.  These respirators are recommended to front-line professionals in high-risk environments with exposure to airborne bacteria or viruses and/or where social distancing is challenging, and/or where ventilation is questionable.  This respirator is also recommended for individuals with compromised immune systems who may have exposure to higher risk bacterial or viral environments.   We currently have supplied 10`s of thousands of these respirators to dentists and government entities. We are proud of the fact that the Champak N95 masks are one of the most breathable and comfortable medical grade masks on the market.

If you plan to purchase KN95 or N95`s, you may find this article from the CDC interesting regarding “reuse” due to shortage of supply. https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/hcwcontrols/recommendedguidanceextuse.html

For all levels of masks/respirators, we recommend the use of a face shield as an added layer of protection against airborne partials from entering your eyes.  Although we do not sell face shields, they can easily be found online and are inexpensive to purchase and are reusable.  It is also important for us to also mention that the above recommendations are based on our personal observations, research and personal wearing experience (note: we are not medical researchers or physicians).  If you are still uncertain on which mask is best for you, we would suggest to error on the side of caution and move up a level in masks from what you are currently wearing.  We would also suggest for you to contact your medical professional or your regional public health unit if you require medical expertise or continue to be uncertain of which mask would work best for you.  Lastly, all masks only work as well as the individual wearing it, so we strongly suggest you follow the directions of proper mask wearing and disposal.

For certifications for our products, please feel free to check the CDC NIOSH database at: https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/npptl/topics/respirators/disp_part/N95list1sect3.html.

Or the FDA database at: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfRL/TextSearch.cfm.

To confirm our MDEL license, please visit:  https://health-products.canada.ca/mdel-leim/